Private eye Takayuki Yagami embarks on his second adventure, a spin-off of Sega’s Yakuza saga set in the familiar Kamurocho area where yakuza gangs roam the streets and occasional crossover characters add to the mix of weirdos. Instead of the punch-heavy approach of Yakuza protagonist Kazuya Kiryu, Yagami uses his lawyer skills, drone evidence, and some face-kicking to fight for justice. The sequel leans into a serialized TV drama vibe with fights, chases, and melodrama, delving into serious topics like bullying and suicide in Japanese schools intertwined with legal, political, and organized crime plots. Yagami’s multiple fighting styles, love interests, and various activities offer hours of gameplay, especially on the visually impressive PS5. While Yakuza: Like a Dragon took the series in a different direction, Lost Judgment sticks to the brawling roots of the franchise, introducing a new hero who has quickly captivated fans.

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