Apple has unveiled the seventh-generation iPad mini, three years after the release of its predecessor. The new model features a faster A17 Pro chip, similar to the one found in the iPhone 15 Pro, allowing it to handle Apple’s AI features. Despite not being the most powerful chip in Apple’s line-up, the iPad mini now boasts more RAM. The device maintains the same 8.3-inch screen size with a 2,266 x 1,488 resolution at 326 ppi and a 60Hz refresh rate. With no design changes, the new iPad mini will be available in blue, purple, starlight, and space gray colors starting at $499 for 128GB storage. In addition to the iPad mini announcement, Sonos has introduced the Arc Ultra and Sub 4, with the former incorporating new Sound Motion technology for improved bass production. Both the Sonos speakers will be launched on October 29. On top of that, DJI has released the Air 3S drone with advanced features like a LiDAR sensor for night-time crash protection and improved low-light video capabilities.