Amazon has launched the latest version of its Kindle Paperwhite, the sixth iteration featuring the thinnest design yet and a larger 7-inch screen compared to the previous model’s 6.8-inch display, boasting the highest contrast thanks to oxide thin-film transistor display technology. The new model offers 25 percent faster page turns, is waterproof with a premium soft touch grip, comes with 16 GB of storage, and is available in Raspberry, Jade, and Black colors for $160 on Amazon. Additionally, Amazon introduced a premium version, the Paperwhite Signature Edition, with 32 GB of storage, auto-adjusting front light, optional wireless charging, and Metallic Raspberry, Metallic Jade, and Metallic Black colors for $200. The entry-level Kindle has also been refreshed with a higher contrast ratio, 25 percent brighter front light, improved speed, and comes in black or “Matcha” for $110. Furthermore, Amazon unveiled the Colorsoft, its first color Kindle ideal for graphic novels, on pre-order for $280 with shipping on October 30, and the Kindle Scribe reader for note-taking, available for pre-order at $400 with an arrival date of December 4.

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